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net2o separates data and commands.  Data is pass through to higher layers, commands are interpreted when they arrive.  For connection requests, the address 0 is always mapped as connectionless code address.

The command interpreter is a stack machine with two data types: 64 bit integers and strings.  Encoding of commands, integers and string length follows protobuf, strings are just sequences of bytes (interpretation can vary).  Command blocks contain a sequence of commands; there are no conditionals and looping instructions.

Strings can contain encrypted nested commands, used during communication setup.

List of Commands

0: end-cmd ( -- ) \ last command in buffer
1: ulit ( "u" -- u ) \ unsigned literal
2: slit ( "n" -- n ) \ signed literal, zig-zag encoded
3: string ( "string" -- addr u ) \ string literal
4: emit ( xc -- ) \ emit character on server log
5: type ( addr u -- ) \ type string on server log
6: . ( -- ) \ print number on server log
7: cr ( -- ) \ newline on server log
8: see-me ( -- ) \ see received commands on server log
10: push-$ ( addr u -- ) \ push string into answer packet
11: push-slit ( n -- ) \ push singed literal into answer packet
12: push-lit ( u -- ) \ push unsigned literal into answer packet
13: push' ( "cmd" -- ) \ push command into answer packet
14: nest ( addr u -- ) \ nested (self-encrypted) command
15: tmpnest ( addr u -- ) \ nested (temporary encrypted) command
16: new-data ( addr addr u -- ) \ create new data mapping
17: new-code ( addr addr u -- ) \ crate new code mapping
18: request-done ( -- ) \ signal request is completed
19: set-rtdelay ( timestamp -- ) \ set round trip delay
20: store-key ( addr u -- ) \ store key
21: map-request ( addrs ucode udata -- ) \ request mapping
22: disconnect ( -- ) \ close connection
23: set-tick ( ticks -- ) \ adjust time
24: get-tick ( -- ) \ request time adjust
30: open-file ( addr u mode id -- ) \ open file id at path "addr u" with mode
31: close-file ( id -- ) \ close file
32: file-size ( id -- size ) \ obtain file size
33: send-chunks ( -- ) \ start sending chunks
34: set-blocksize ( n -- ) \ set blocksize
35: set-blockalign ( n -- ) \ set block alignment
36: close-all ( -- ) \ close all files
40: ack-addrtime ( time addr -- ) \ packet at addr received at time
41: ack-resend ( flag -- ) \ set resend toggle flag
42: set-rate ( rate delta-t -- ) \ set rate 
43: resend-mask ( addr mask -- ) \ resend mask blocks starting at addr
44: track-timing ( -- ) \ track timing
45: rec-timing ( addr u -- ) \ recorded timing
46: send-timing ( -- ) \ request recorded timing
47: >time-offset ( n -- ) \ set time offset
48: ack-b2btime ( time addr -- ) \ burst-to-burst time at packet addr
49: ack-cookies ( cookie addr mask -- ) \ acknowledge cookie
50: ack-flush ( addr -- ) \ flushed to addr
51: set-head ( addr -- ) \ set head
52: timeout ( ticks -- ) \ timeout request
53: set-top ( top flag -- ) \ set top, flag is true when all data is sent
54: ok ( tag -- ) \ tagged response
55: ok? ( tag -- ) \ request tagged response
56: ko ( error -- ) \ receive error message
60: receive-key ( addr u -- ) \ receive a key
61: key-request ( -- addr u ) \ request a key
62: receive-tmpkey ( addr u -- ) \ receive emphemeral key
63: tmpkey-request ( -- ) \ request ephemeral key
64: update-key ( -- ) \ update secrets
65: gen-ivs ( addr u -- ) \ generate IVs
66: gen-reply ( -- ) \ generate a key request reply reply
70: track-size ( size id -- ) \ set size attribute of file id
71: track-seek ( seek id -- ) \ set seek attribute of file id
72: track-limit ( limit id -- ) \ set limit attribute of file id
73: set-stat ( mtime mod id -- ) \ set time and mode of file id
74: get-stat ( id -- ) \ request stat of file id
75: open-tracked-file ( addr u mode id -- ) \ open file in tracked mode
76: slurp ( -- ) \ slurp in tracked files
77: rewind-sender ( n -- ) \ rewind buffer
120: !time ( -- ) \ start timer
121: .time ( -- ) \ print timer to server log
122: set-ip ( addr u -- ) \ set address information
123: get-ip ( -- ) \ request address information
124: punch ( addr u -- ) \ punch NAT traversal hole